Tuesday, May 12, 2015

why i love my dino-birds


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Foggy Mornings

Let's just get to the pictures....

this is just a corner of the yard that ive been leaving a treat trail to. Since they are young, i can impression them on what areas to forage. This is a great spot because it is fully foliage covered.

welsummer hen

a hen and roo

here's matty or 3787 as i know him as.

3787 strutting his stuff

pretty green and blue and purple shimmers are seen on their feathers, especially when they are wet!

mister david 12 weeks old!

one of the younger roo's 3787 sure does have a great comb and carriage.

She is so pretty! Keep scrolling for more photos!

Then she starts to turn...

isn't that a beautiful mottled pattern!
Thanks for checking and heres to a sunny Sunday!
