Beautiful winter day. Got up to 54°F
Monday, December 28, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
We got just under an inch today, 0.75" to be exact!
Had to upkeep the bedding of the I group and do basic feed and water today. All the adults braved out into the snow, only to return quite quickly to the coop. Here are some photos. Enjoy.

Here below are two 20h.
Who is the e+ and E?
Friday, November 27, 2020
last of Kenny's hatch
First day in with the older guys. Kennys last 14 chicks are all in the small coop. The 11 youngest still under the light.
One mottle E is super tiny, not sure why he is not gaining weight.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
feather pattern
When dealing with feathers, there some extraordinary patterns to come out of them. Below is a very extraordinary 'mossy'. Her parents have lacing. So dealing with a, pg mo, E, and co. How or what, not sure yet.
Some other pretty feathers.
Look closer at these hackle feathers. I love the lace.
Check out the iridescence, from green to purple.
Typical blue lace.
Nice hackle feathers.
Really cool wispy black saddle feathers on a bl male.
Bixby, she's old school first gen off a Orust mo. (Orginal is white with Black tip) She is reversed. But
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Saturday, November 7, 2020
chicks due in three days
Doesn't take much around here for the wildlife to take your chickens. Owl, fox, coyote, dogs and hawks. Ive had chickens hit by moving vehicles too.
I let them free range. Free to run and roll and dust bathe. Chase moths and lay in the warm sun with wings outstretched.
But they also are chased a lot. Fox will prowl the wooded edges, making multiple attempts to steal one. The hawks swoop down and perch nearby just waiting for one to not pay attention. Owls awake right as dusk begins, silently move closer to the chickens pathways used to return to the coop. Racooms i've only experienced at night, chasing them bare foot back into the woods.
Wanted to add this link in about genetics and this women's personal story of how quickly your breeding project can become ruined.
The beginning half of her story is normal genetic speak, and fhe ended reveals how her genetic project ended so suddenly. 💔
Kenny was taken a couple weeks ago, and as a 8# bird and the largest of my flock, I was really surprised it was able to drag him, leaving a few mottle flocked feathers as a memento.
I hatched out five eggs, all healthy amd now I have jammed 8 eggs into a 7 egg incubator. Hand rotating twice a day. And rearranging at same time so all eggs have equal chance at the 90 minute automatic rotations. All 8 were fertilized at day 10 check. I couldn't just dispose of one, and I couldn't wait 21 days to set for it would not be viable..
These are kennys last eggs.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020
These five hatched very well and are all very healthy. They already are in a box with a lamp eating and drinking .
predator and the new hatch 2020i begins.
Hey everyone!
Went fishing today. Was a perfect day. Sun was just warm enough to takeoff your sweater. The colors of oranges and yellows and reds are out.
Unfortunately yesterday Kenny was taken. RiP. Saved a couple feathers. So sad.
Had one of my birds almost get taken again tonight. It was very much so dusk. And I was inside and I could hear screaming. I went out it was getting dark.. so i yelled. I couldn't see them but could hear her. I yelled and i think the predator let her go.. i could hear as she then ran towards the coop. I paused an then he must of bit her again as I could hear the chicken screams getting farther back into the woods. So I started running and clapping and yelling in a burst of sharp noises. It dropped her again.
I could hear her come back again to the lit up coop. She was on the backside through the hardware cloth lit up in the light talking like she ws begging to get in where its safe.
Whatever took her I could not hear run off. Not sure if it left or not. But I was nervous to check or stay out longer. She is alive but missing feathers. She wouldn't let me touch her to check for wounds, so I'll heck tomorrow.
In good news, kennys 2020i clutch began to hatch.
It looks steamy because it is very humid.
I'll have very fluffy pictures up tomorrow!
Friday, October 16, 2020
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
2020h month olds
The chicks are over a month now. Its looking like three boys one gal. Its awesome getting closer to my phenotype. I have attempted to incubate several clutches but none are fertilized. I will be keeping a second male now for my contingency plan. Kenny i believe is still dealing with his injury. His vitals and weight are good so I have hope for his full recovery.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
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