Sunday, October 4, 2015

First hatchling! Success!

My very first hatchling. This little one sure was determined to get on out and into this world. When he broke open his shell he peeped up a storm. His entire body rocketed out of the shell that only a lone leg was still half in. He had kicked his shell away within 5 minutes... then to much surprise, circumnavigated the entire incubator within 15 minutes (re)organizing every other egg into a jumbled heap. I have been saving various sized boxes over the past 3 weeks and so i put one in the incubator at 45 minutes to get him to settle down so he could rest and the others could develop without issue! Time line: First peeping i heard was at 6ish this morning. seven hours later came the first pip. From pip to hatch was 13 hours almost to the minute. Zipping didn’t occur till right before he kicked his way out!! Let's welcome this little guy/girl with lots of love and cuddles and mealworms :)

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