Tuesday, September 15, 2020

sept 15, 2020

At 2.5 weeks old, these chicks are doing pretty well. Had them in the garden all day on my raised bed. After this week we won't have fuzzy chicks anymore. 


 see his little low spot on his chest? I just love the darkness of the brown feathers coming in. I am not sure what it means to have so muxh brown down instead of black on the face. His legs have some emulation. 

Here's a close up of the Blackie.  Im feeling this will be mottle Mo as he ages.
Some chicks are naturally good at perching. Others are not. Kenny has the worse balance of a chciken i ever saw. He finally figured it iut,, but the first three months of his life taking photos of him on my hand was wrought with issues. He could sit still for a second but eventually lean and fall off. Id have to readjust and get him back up for a better pic. 🤣

Kenny right now is doing a half molt. Not sure why, qt8 months he is, but his naked neck and lack of secondary tail feathers have him looking silly 😜 

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