Wednesday, February 17, 2021

life and death.

Start off with the good. The chicks are all eating very well and are all growing beautifully. At three days old they are doing very well. I took the photo below when changingnout their bins bedding. I didnt have a spare box, so I used a pan. Pretty cute 📷 photo despite the irony. 
Bad news.. looks like I have a racoon now. Usually you know its a racoon when he neck and head are missing.
This is the injury done to my chicken by the possum. 

The green blue color is bruising I believe.
A couple days later..
the orange color is iodine. I use iodine as first aid. 

Looks like another winter storm is coming.  Another 6". Sheesh this winter is relentless. 

Stay warm,

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