Friday, April 1, 2016

Meet RJ

Love at first sight.....

RJ is just under a year old. He has a very nice temperament and sure does love to crow. His broad chest allows him to be the loudest he can be. Youll see the pics of him he is alone in the run. I have put him into isolation for a week till we are sure the stress of the move did not stir up any latent or underlying health conditions. Always a good practice to do that with any bird not from your flock. My flock has been considerable healthy. So cross your fingers RJ benefits from the free range and special supplemented diet with VitE and calcium to name a couple.

Just pure beautiful. I can see why the APA has had the wyandotte listed since 1870. What a healthy, plush feathered, and pleasing to the eye bird.

looking out into the yard. he is antsy to get out there and free range!
looking handsome RJ!

love his comb!

Ill be updating very soon! So keep checking for updates!



  1. That a great looking bird! You will have quite the rainbow of colors in a couple of years...Create your own bird breed!

  2. I definitely am thinking about it. This guy weighs 9lbs! He is such a gentle guy too! I am honoured to have been gifted such an amazing creature!
